1031 Exchanges Made Easy | Co-Host Tom Roussel | TEFS EP007

In this episode of The Ed Fernandez Show, Ed dives deep into the intricacies of the 1031 exchange with co-host Tom Roussel. For those unfamiliar, the 1031 exchange is a powerful tax tool that allows for the deferral of capital gains taxes when exchanging investment properties. Ed highlights the key benefits, from preserving investment capital to facilitating portfolio growth. He demystifies terms like “like-kind” and introduces listeners to the stringent timelines crucial to successfully executing an exchange. Central to this episode is the concept of the Delaware Statutory Trust (DST), an entity that has become increasingly popular in 1031 exchanges. Ed enumerates scenarios where a DST proves beneficial and contrasts it with traditional “fee simple” real estate investments. With an aim to enlighten, Ed also corrects common misconceptions about the exchange process and underscores the importance of getting started on the right foot. For anyone looking to broaden their knowledge on these topics, this episode serves as an essential guide.

Download your free copy of Ed’s eBook: 1031 Exchanges Made Easy

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