Crowdfunding Tips For Your Small Business Pt.1| TEFS EP040

In this episode, we dive into the perils of giving away too much equity in your business to raise capital. Ed shares a cautionary tale about his experience with venture capitalists and angel investors.

Discover how the desire for rapid growth and external funding led him to give away significant chunks of his business, resulting in a loss of majority control. Learn why maintaining at least 51% ownership is crucial for entrepreneurs and what can happen when you drop below that threshold. Ed describes the real-world complications he faced, from opening bank accounts to seeking loans, all because he no longer had the authority to act on behalf of his own business.

Tune in to hear about the struggles of navigating the demands of investors, especially when some are passive and require extensive coordination for business decisions. If you’re a startup founder or considering taking outside investment, this episode is a must-listen to understand the risks involved and how to avoid ending up in a similar situation.

Stay with us as we unpack this “cluster” and offer practical advice on how to keep control of your business while still attracting the capital you need to grow.

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