What Does God Expect From You?| TEFS EP 043

Is God transactional? Do you need to be perfect, good, or worthy to receive His blessings? Throughout Eds spiritual journey, he believed that his past mistakes meant he had to earn God’s love through perfection. But he was wrong. In this episode, Ed shares how he moved from feeling unworthy to understanding that God’s love and grace are not about being flawless.

We’ll dive into Malachi 3:11 to understand how God protects our blessings and explore Deuteronomy 28:1-14, uncovering the promises of blessings in every aspect of our lives if we follow His guidance. Our goal is to unlock and release the blessings God has set aside for us. Let’s breathe, pray, and feel God’s presence as we embark on this journey together, setting the captives free and becoming true citizens of the Kingdom of God. Tune in and let’s release what’s already yours!

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