Your Role With Wealth And Money In Gods Kingdom| TEFS EP 042

Welcome to The Ed Fernandez Show, where we dive into the intersection of faith, finance, and spiritual growth! Join us as we explore how the kingdom of Heaven impacts our understanding of money and citizenship.

In this episode, we uncover hidden truths about the spiritual warfare surrounding money. In the Bible Matthew reveals that the evil one, targets those who grasp the kingdom’s revelation, aiming to steal it away. When we embrace the concept of kingdom citizenship, the devil loses control over us, igniting a battle for our financial and spiritual freedom.

Many of us have coasted on shallow waters, but God calls us deeper. This journey demands courage, faith, and perseverance—qualities not for the faint of heart. As we explore the concept of tithing and offerings, we compare them to taxes. Tithing aligns us with the economic system of the kingdom, while offerings serve as investments with lasting dividends, benefiting generations to come.

God looks at our hearts and our desire to align with His principles. For those struggling to tithe, start with giving—of your time, talent, or treasure—and discover how it transforms your perspective.

Join us as we embrace grace and discovering our unique understanding of tithing in our lives.

Tune in as we share stories, insights, and practical wisdom to empower you on your financial and spiritual journey. It’s time to chase after Him, seeking our own revelations and executing them faithfully. Together, let’s embrace the deeper waters of faith, finance, and citizenship in the kingdom.

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