What Does The Bible Say About Astral Projection?| TEFS EP 046

Welcome to “The Ed Fernandez Show” where we explore the profound connections between our bodies, souls, and spirits, revealing the truth behind the supernatural battles shaping our world. In this episode, we delve into the concept of the spiritual body, its immense power, and the controversial topic of astral projection, uncovering the hidden dangers and the ongoing struggle between good and evil forces.

Ed emphasizes the importance of self-education and critical thinking, challenging common perceptions and encouraging listeners to explore biblical scriptures and personal experiences. We discuss Satan’s schemes to manipulate our spiritual bodies and highlight the significance of staying grounded in faith. Learn why God restricts our control over the spiritual realm and how to protect yourself through prayer and the full armor of God, as described in Ephesians 6:10-18. Tune in for insightful discussions, and practical advice on navigating the spiritual battlefield.

Whether you’re a seasoned believer or a curious skeptic, this podcast will equip you with the knowledge and tools to stand firm against the unseen forces at play.

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