Defeating The Urges Of The Flesh Pt. 1: How To Know If You’re A Carnal Christian| TEFS EP 052

In this episode of the Ed Fernandez Show, Ed kicks off the morning with high energy after an early workout, sharing his renewed zeal for life and spirituality. He dives deep into his personal journey of faith, emphasizing his relationship with Jesus Christ, the one who died for our sins and rose again. Ed reflects on the difference between spiritual and carnal Christians, discussing the struggle between living by the flesh and living by the Spirit. He uses personal anecdotes and scriptural references to illustrate the challenges and triumphs of maintaining a spiritual walk in a worldly environment, encouraging listeners to assess their own lives and strive for a deeper connection with God.

Ed passionately discusses the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our lives, rather than succumbing to worldly temptations. He shares his own experiences of battling the flesh, from avoiding social media pitfalls to resisting the urge to engage in negative behaviors. With honesty and humility, Ed admits to his imperfections but emphasizes the importance of striving to do better. He encourages listeners to reflect on their actions, seek conviction from the Holy Spirit, and pursue a life that glorifies God. Ed concludes with a promise to delve further into the topic of carnal believers in the next episode, inviting his audience to join him in this ongoing journey of spiritual growth and understanding.

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