Born Again: A Journey Through Faith, Struggles, and Divine Purpose | TEFS EP 057

Welcome to this week’s episode, where Ed Fernandez takes us on a deeply personal and thought-provoking journey. Ever had one of those mornings where everything seems to go wrong? From unexpected doggy disasters to aching muscles and family responsibilities, Ed shares how even the toughest days can be tackled with faith and resilience. But there’s more—this episode dives deep into the heart of spiritual renewal with a powerful exploration of what it means to be “born again.” Why do we need it? What does it truly mean for our lives?

Drawing from personal experiences, biblical insights, and the timeless story of humanity’s fall and redemption, Ed challenges listeners to reflect on their spiritual journey. Discover how the trials of life and the timeless truths of scripture come together to reveal the importance of being born again, living with purpose, and reconnecting with God. Whether you’re navigating everyday struggles or seeking deeper meaning, this episode offers a compelling message of hope and renewal.

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